The Poetry of Democrat Candidate Beto O’Rourke…

The Democrat candidates are looking real good.
Fake Hispanics…
Fake Indians…
Communists and Socialists…
and the “front-runner,” Biden… a child molester!
They’ve rolled out their platform as well:
1. Hate America
2. Hate Americans
3. Really hate Israel
4. Take American’s guns, money, and freedom
5. Flood our nation with hostile, criminal foreigners
6. Destroy the Constitution
7. Kill babies
Amazingly, the Democrats really seem to believe that this collection of evil, sick freaks spewing hate and treason will appeal to Americans. Take a moment to look closer at “Beto,” one of their “rising stars.”
You’ll be impressed… Read More The Poetry of Democrat Candidate Beto O’Rourke…

The Case for “Russian Collusion”…

“The evidence shows the Clintons financially benefited from Russia – personally and inside their charity – at the same time they were involved in U.S. government actions that rewarded Moscow and increased U.S. security risks.

The intersections between the Clintons, the Democrats and Russia carried into 2016, when a major political opposition research project designed to portray GOP rival Donald Trump as compromised by Moscow was launched by Clinton’s presidential campaign and brought to the FBI”… Read More The Case for “Russian Collusion”…